Tuesday, July 7, 2009

La Primera Blog

Hey everyone so this is my first official blog on my own blogspot. I have many thoughts I would like to express from different random experiences and thoughts. I would also like to share new information about any topic whether it is an event, entertainment, lifestyles and so on.

Well a little about me...my name is Karene. I just finished college and is in search of finding a career that interests me. I graduated with a degree in Communications so it should be clear that I like to focus on communication patterns and well....communicate. I want to focus on the public relations, promotions and somewhat marketing industry.

On the culture aspect, I am Panamanian-American. I have always been interested in learning about different cultures and their history. I don't believe in being ignorant when it comes to culture so I like to ask questions about different backgrounds. Yes I know there is a lot of random information on this first blog alone but this is just a taste of the randomness that will be on this blogspot. Hopefully a mix of different topics will keep interests!